New Quick-Lock Handle Design
Introducing the new Frost and Sekers Quick-lock handle. From now on, the Quick-lock kit will be shipped to customers with our new stainless steel and fabric handle design.

The new handle simplifies the production process whilst maintaining our core design principles of durable, dependable design, and practical, sustainable material choices. We adapted the angle of the handle so it fits even better on other bag designs, not just ours. The new position sits lower in relation to your saddle so it can be tucked in closer to you bike. The fabric wrap creates a lower profile against the bag which makes it comfy to wear against your body. It can be used with or without the fabric wrap and is really easy to customise too.

For all you beech wood fan boys and girls we do still plan on producing the beech version too. We still love it and it works great with our bags. Let us know if you're interested in getting one as we plan to make them to order from now on. These handles take an extremely long time to produce and working with natural products can make things quite tricky. The Natural cotton and waterproof waxing compound on the new design allows us to stick to our ethos of sustainable material wherever possible whilst also making a more versatile product.